Design history
The Microcat HD, my second baitboat design and the fourth generation of probably the most well known (and most popular) baitboat. The HD, unlike its predecessors has twin hybrid direct drive (HD) propellers rather than jet pumps. Angling Technics have sold many many thousands of these hard working beasts!
The Technicat, a single hopper twin hybrid direct drive propeller version with a unique rig loading system allowing rigs to be added after the hopper is closed and filled.
The Procat, my first boat commission after leaving Angling Technics. An excellent starter boat for smaller venues, quick, reliable, almost silent and easy to operate.
The original standard baitboat, still going strong and still being made nearly twenty five years after I designed her.
Hull design is one of my favourite things but much testing and simulation is essential to get the design right.
The Graphic Echo, my first design after leaving Angling Technics in 2002. Designed and developed long before the Deeper, Smartcast and its clones. A high resolution long range (300m) echo sounder with narrow beam transducer. Recently brought to phones and tablets by Bluesounder.
The Fulcrum Navigator, again a first in the world of baitboats, a GPS system to guide you to your favourite spot, time and again. Spent countless hours on the mathematics of global navigation and writing thousands of lines of eight bit assembly language, and am justly proud of this achievement.
The digital battery meter. Angling Technics wanted something friendly and accurate to tell people how much time was left for running their boats. So this meter puts the battery under pressure and measures the strain the battery displays and calculates the time from this. Most other battery meters just measure static voltage which is next to useless for determining meaningful information. Three LED car battery meters have more use as a torch...
I was commissioned by ACE to design a bite alarm but managed to invent the line sensor mechanisms for the i-3 and a different technology for the Chub T5 and T3 alarms. Both Patents granted and the alarms reliability are testament to the work that went into them. Regarded by some as the ultimate alarm - can't have been bad as Shimano were sold on them when they bought ACE
The Chub brother T5 & T3...rock solid alarms with my Patented sensor. I was just developing the receiver versions when Hardy Greys were bought out and development stopped overnight...great shame.
The first of my solo products, the Smartsounder. Technology in the form of phones and pads have come so far and most fishermen take such devices with them naturally, it seemed a crime not to make use of them...This first wired version has been superseded by a wireless version which allows radio bite alarms to use a phone as its receiver.
To bring the Angling Technics echo sounder up to date I added Bluetooth functionality to send the narrow beam high resolution data sent from the boat to tablets or phones which most people take with them on fishing sessions anyway.
Apart from the angling bias in my design work I have worked on underwater lighting, optical communication devices, medical devices, recording studio controls, lifejacket inflation and a million and one other weird and wonderful gadgets in my time...