About Me

I have been designing electronic devices since I was seven, attended Portsmouth University, and was invited to join MENSA. My first job was servicing Army tanks, then a CNC operator and then into the world of PCB manufacturing and management. In 1992 I named, formed and co-owned Angling Technics, designing and creating the world's first commercially available baitboat. In 2002 I left to form Fulcrum Designs to concentrate on creating innovative products for mostly the coarse fishing community. I designed all the Angling Technics baitboats, echo sounders, GPS devices, underwater remote camera and the electronics that they run on. I was privileged to have achieved Patents on the ACE i-3 bite alarm and the Chub T3 and T5 bite alarm sensors as well as designing the electronics for all of them. My driving ambition is, and always has been, to create products that are unique, class leading and fundamentally fun and functional. 2016 saw a change from purely designing for my clients, to producing, with the launch of the unique Bluesounder.

If you would like to discuss anything to do with my products past or present or want to discuss any ideas you have, please do get in touch and ask away!

Paul Grint
